Programme, presentation to Mr Alexander Howie (Operating and Commercial Superintendents' Offices) in North British Station Hotel at 5 pm Wednesday 9th March 1921, printed on card. programme of presentation to mr alexander howie 1921
Leaflet, London & North Eastern Railway, "Unlimited Rail Travel with Weekly Holiday Season Tickets for Edinburgh, the Lothians, Berwickshire and Land of Scott" printed by Hugh Paton and Sons, 1937. Unlimited Rail Travel with Weekly Holiday Season Tickets for Edinburgh, the Lothians, Berwickshire and Land of Scott 1937
Notice - "Improved Service to Newcastle and London (King's Cross) (5th July to 25 September)". Issued by the London & North Eastern Railway June 1937, printed by Hugh Paton & Sons Ltd, Printers Edinburgh. Printed in green with details of the destinations and times. Improved Service to Newcastle and London (King's Cross) 1937
Notice, North British Railway, "Public Notice about Prosecuting for Trespassing on the Railway", printed by Hugh Paton and Sons, August 1870. public notice 1870
Timetable, paper, Time Tables of the North British Railway Company From 1st July 1880 Until Further Notice, printed by Hugh Paton & Sons, Edinburgh. Combined volume - first section is Programme of Tourist Ticket Arrangements for July 1880 (36pp) followed by the main timetable (129pp). NB - cover, map insert and first title page very badly damaged. Time Tables of the North British Railway Company 1880
Timetable, paper, Working Timetable of Passenger, Goods, Cattle and Mineral Trains to be in force on 1st May 1881 and until further notice, issued by the North British Railway, printed by Hugh Paton & Sons, Edinburgh. For Southern & Eastern Districts. 64pp. Working Timetable of Passenger, Goods, Cattle and Mineral Trains 1881
Poster, "Street Betting Act, 1906", 1943, London & North Eastern Railway. Street betting act 1906 1943
Timetable, paper, Working Timetable of Passenger, Goods, Cattle and Mineral Trains to be in force on 1st June 1880 or until further notice, issued by the North British Railway, printed by Hugh Paton & Sons, Edinburgh. For the Western District. 112pp. Working Timetable of Passenger, Goods, Cattle and Mineral Trains 1880
Timetable, paper, Working Timetable of Passenger, Goods, Cattle and Mineral Trains to be in force on 1st June 1880 or until further notice, issued by the North British Railway, printed by Hugh Paton & Sons, Edinburgh. For the Northern District. 44pp. Working Timetable of Passenger, Goods, Cattle and Mineral Trains 1880
Guidebook, North British Railway and North Eastern Railway and Great Northern Railway, "Tourist Guide", 1914, 131 pages, cost new 2d, soft cover. North British Railway, North Eastern Railway, and Great Northern Railway: Tourist Guide 1914
Travel Guide, North British Railway, West Highland Section, "Circular Excursions", 1913, timetables & suggested day excursions, 56 pages, soft cover. : 7.0866 x 4.7244 in. NBR (West Highland Section) - Circular Excursions 1913
Handbill, Clyde Coast via Craigendoran. Train & steamer services 1st Oct. 1947 until further notice, containing timetables for trains and steamers along the Clyde Coast from 1st Oct. 1947 until further notice. Produced by LNER. Clyde Coast via Craigendoran. Train & steamer services 1st Oct. 1947 until further notice. 1947
Handbill, Clyde Coast via Craigendoran, single-fold handbill with timetable of sailings, includes train timetable Balloch-Craigendoran-Balloch. Produced by L&NER. Clyde Coast via Craigendoran 1946
Handbill, "Olympic Games at Morpeth", advertising cheap one day excursion tickets, with timetable, printed in red by Hugh Paton & Sons, Edinburgh, 1927. Olympic Games at Morpeth 1927
Poster, London & North Eastern Railway, Forth & Tay Bridges, text only, printed by Hugh Paton & Sons. Forth & Tay Bridges 1940